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Products: France Passion Plaisance - Two Cabins Boat Selection
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Range of Canal Boats - 2 Cabins
Tarpon 37 Duo Prestige Tarpon 37 Duo
4/6 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Tarpon 37 Duo Prestige Info
5 (+1) people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Tarpon 37 Duo Info
Tarpon 32 Nicol's 900
4/6 (+2) people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Tarpon 32 Info
4/7 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
1 steering wheel
2 showers / 2 toilets
Nicol's 900 Info
  Espade Concept Fly
6/8 (+1) people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
1 shower / 1 toilet
Espade Concept Fly Info
Espade 1150 Fly Linssen Vlet 1030
6/9 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
1 shower / 1 toilet
Espade 1150 Fly Info
6/8 (+1) people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
1 shower / 2 toilets
Linssen Vlet 1030 Info
Linssen Yacht 36 Triton 1050
4/6 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Linssen Yacht 36 Info
6/8 people
2 Cabins + Lounge Cabin
1 steering wheel
1 shower / 1 toilet
Triton 1050 Info
Penichette 1107  
5/7 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
1 steering wheel
1 shower / 1 toilet
Penichette 1107 Info
Eau Claire 1130 Fly Haines Rive 34
6/9 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
1 shower / 1 toilet
Eau Claire 1130 Fly Info
4/6 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Haines Rive 34 Info
Penichette 1020FB Kormoran 1140 (2)
5 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Penichette 1020FB Info
6+2 people
2 cabins + lounge cabin
2 steering wheels
2 showers / 2 toilets
Kormoran 1140 Info

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